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The Guesthouse ▶
The Guesthouse ▶
The Quinta do Cabo Guesthouse is the wes­tern­most Bed & Break­fast on the Euro­pean continent. It is lo­ca­ted in the beau­ti­ful Parque Natural Sintra-Cascais on the wa­ter­front of Costa de Lisboa and of­fers the per­fect star­ting point to dis­cover the be­auty of na­tu­re, the history of the Por­tu­gue­se seafaring, the mo­nu­ments of the world cultural heritage Sintra and the im­pres­sive cliffs with their dreamy bea­ches.
The Quinta do Cabo Guesthouse combines an idyl­lic loca­tion di­rectly on the coast with its proximity to the at­trac­ti­ons, as well as the sport and leisure fa­ci­li­ties of this area.
The amenities of the extremely spacious coun­try re­si­den­ce are complemented by re­gi­on­al products and a service that will ma­ke your stay something spe­ci­al. We ac­com­mo­da­te this o­ver­bea­ring nature by en­vi­ron­men­tally friendly concepts.
We are looking forward to your visit to this country, this re­gion, this nature, this culture, these people, our house!
The Suites ▶
The Suites ▶
The Surroundings ▶
The Surroundings ▶
The Destinations ▶
The Destinations ▶

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The Quinta do Cabo Guesthouse is located in Por­tu­gal at the wes­tern­most spot of the con­ti­nent Ca­bo da Roca out­side the vil­lage Azóia. Due to the lo­ca­tion we recommend for the duration of the stay the use of a rental car.

Address Quinta do Cabo Guesthouse
Rua da Cova Funda, 9 - Azóia
2705-001 Colares, Portugal


From airport Lissabon (43km away) over A5 to Cas­cais / Malveira da Serra; there following N247 to­wards Cabo da Roca; junction N247-1 to Cabo da Roca; after about 200m left into Rua dos Moin­hos; following the Quinta do Cabo-signs after a­bout 800m left into Rua da Cova Funda.

Distances (by car) Airport Lisbon (43km), Lis­bon down­town (37km), Belém (33km), Estoril (18km), Cascais (15km), Sintra (15km), Cabo da Roca (3km), Azóia (1km)

In direct surroundings there are three golf cour­ses, the For­mula-1 race track Circuito do Estoril, the spec­ta­cu­lar beaches of Guincho and Adraga, the Cabo da Ro­ca, the castles and palaces of Sin­tra, old mo­nas­te­ries and all the res­tau­rants, cafés and bars in different price classes.

Nice day trips could lead to: Lisbon, the huge Ma­fra Palace, Pe­ni­che und the monster waves of Na­za­ré.

Operator and responsible for the content of this website, and owner of rights on all contents is:

Quinta do Cabo Guesthouse, Lda.
Registo nº 24426/AL – NIPC 514166347

Rua da Cova Funda, 9 – 2705-001 Azóia (Colares), Portugal
Contact person: Pascal Franz

Banking Account (IBAN): PT50 0018 2003 0470 9182 0204 6
Bank Identification Code (BIC): TOTAPTPL

The ranking was calculated by Booking.com.

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